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Too young, busy or broke to write a will? Think again.

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Too young, too busy, too broke

Regardless of whether you’re one of the Millennial, Generation Z or even Generation X brigade, these are just some of the reasons that over 50%* of people the UK don’t have a will.

A staggering 68%* of this figure say that they are too young to make a will, and 20%* say they have no assets to pass on. And being ‘too busy’ generally is an all too familiar justification for putting off the things we don’t really want to do.


Nothing in life is guaranteed, bar death and taxes

OK, regardless of your excuse, we know that thinking about death at any age can feel pretty dark and depressing, heck it’s gets us down too.

And when you’re young, old age seems a distant possibility. You’re often too busy ‘living life’ to stop and think about your future, let alone contemplate death.

But the thing is, whilst it may well be morbid, we all die. Fact. And furthermore, accidents and unexpected events can and do happen. To anyone, at any age – and you only need to read our blog on why accidents are particularly bad news” to realise this, and it’s a sobering read (check out the links).


But you ARE old enough to buy a house?!

Another point to consider is this: once you hit 18, you’re an adult and no longer considered ‘too young’ to vote, drive, have sex, get married, have children or apply for a mortgage.

So, if you can legally take on board all these responsibilities, and many do so at a younger age, why on earth would you not take steps to protect what you have or those you love?

Technically speaking, as soon as you own anything, you should write a will stipulating who should get that item when you die.

And a will doesn’t have to list property or money, it can simply reflect personal wishes when it comes to personal items.

This could be anything from your ‘rainy day pot’, your car or bike, a piece of jewellery, access to photos, blogs, music, paypal accounts or a sentimental personal item that you’d like a close friend to have.

The important thing is – it’s your life, your choices, your say, so put it in black and white. Make a will.


Time for the nitty gritty… what happens if you don’t leave a will?

What you might not know is that if you don’t write a will, the law determines who will inherit your possessions, by the rules of intestacy, which worryingly ​over a third of adults have never heard of.

These rules are pretty strict and could mean that the law does not divide your possessions as you’d have wished.

What this effectively means is that dying without a will could result in some of your closest family members being left with no right to inherit anything at all - those who could miss out on inheritance include unmarried partners, close friends, carers or relations by marriage.

And when it comes to children, making provisions is an absolute no-brainer, particularly as failing to name legal guardians in your will could mean that the care of your children is decided by the courts – and in the worst case scenario, your children may be placed into care whilst this process is conducted. It’s just not worth the risk.


Act now – it’s easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

The plain and simple fact is, you are never too young to plan for your future.

It’s never too early - sorting your will can be both simple and straightforward, and need not cost the earth.

Why not pop in to one of our FREE Wills & Probate drop-in clinics to find out more. Alternatively, contact our Wills & Probate Department on 01606 48777.


*Based on research by international internet-based market research firm Yougov.
