We provide a range of care services for the Elderly.
Long Term Care Planning
No one knows whether they will have to be admitted to long term care. There are financial implications for you and your family should this occur. We will discuss with you the financial implications of such a move and also the potential advantages and disadvantages of transferring property and other assets to your family members.
Lasting Powers of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) enables you to choose who you would like to manage your affairs be it property, financial or other should you become unable to do so. You can define how much power you donate and you can change the measure and or terms of the power and your nomination of Attorney at anytime.
Usually a Power of Attorney comes into effect when you are unable to manage your own affairs.
We all get older but life is a lottery. When it comes to choosing who will lose mental capacity and be unable to handle their legal and financial affairs as a result it is wise to plan ahead and consider this when you are mentally fit. Our specialist legal team will give you full advice and help you to consider all your options thereby protecting your assets for you and your family.
Trusts and Tax Planning
A Trust is a fund into which you can transfer some of your assets for the benefit of others. Either you or your appointed trustees can control this Trust. Sometimes there are tax advantages. We are able to advise on the suitability and the appropriateness of a Trust being set up in your circumstances and the likely tax implications.
Inheritance Tax potentially becomes payable on your death subject to the value of your Estate. It is possible to try and minimise its impact by careful tax planning. We can advise you should any Inheritance Tax saving measures be available to you and your Estate.
Get in touch with our family law solicitors in Northwich, Cheshire
Please feel free to contact Emma Stride on 01606 48777 or at emmastride@susanhowarthsolicitors.co.uk