COVID-19 PANDEMIC - How we are protecting our clients and colleagues
As far as it is possible, it is business as usual for us all here at Susan Howarth & Company Solicitors Limited. We are continuing to deliver the best possible service to our clients.
Clients that are scheduled to come into the office, we will rearrange these meetings and conduct them by phone or video calls where possible. Some circumstances dictate that as a client you are required to come into the office - such visits will be conducted in line with the Government guidance on social distancing. This includes asking all visitors to wear a face covering, wash their hands on entry to the office and maintain a 2m social distance. We also ask that no client visits the office if they have any COVID-19 symptoms.
During this time, we are following the government guidance. Including asking colleagues with symptoms to self-isolate, encouraging social distancing, limiting large meetings, and promoting the use of alternative technology rather than meeting face to face.
We have provided colleagues who are able to work from home the technology and training to be able to carry out their duties as normal as much as possible.
Our offices are thoroughly cleaned throughout the day and this cleaning has been increased for areas such as door handles and surfaces.
Weekly Legal Drop-in Clinics
Our weekly legal drop-in face-to-face clinics for Family Law, Wills & Probate and Senior Citizens has been suspended for the foreseeable future.
However, a FREE 30-minute telephone consultation will still be offered to all new Family Law clients.
The Wills & Probate drop-in clinics will continue to run on the allocated days and times, instead being replaced by pre-booked telephone appointments or a virtual clinic Zoom appointment, subject to client preferences.
Please telephone the office on 01606 48777 to make appointments.
If you require an URGENT WILL preparing, please contact the office on 01606 48777 or email Emma Stride, Wills & Probate Solicitor –
If you have any concerns with regards to how COVID-19 may affect your matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch for advice and support.
In the meantime, stay safe - please take care of yourselves and each other.