Thank you for looking at our Mediation services.
Mediation is a cost-effective way of helping couples who are separating or divorcing to sort out arrangements to do with money, property or children.
Why Us
Our specialist Family Law Mediator dealing with your matter will discuss your individual circumstances with you, the mediation process, whether mediation is right for you and the fees involved.
Our Family Law Mediators are trained to work with people whose relationships have broken down, to help sort out practical issues such as arrangements for children, child maintenance, shared finances and/or debts and communication between parties.
Victoria Poole is a Resolution Accredited Specialist in Domestic Violence and Children Law (private) and a Resolution Accredited Family Mediator (all issues) with extensive experience in family and relationship breakdown.
Pricing: Fixed Fees
- £100 plus VAT per person – MIAM
- £150 plus VAT per person for a 90-minute mediation session
- £100 plus VAT per person for open summary (OFS)
- £100 plus VAT per person for private summary (MOU)
- £100 plus VAT per person for Child Only summary
Time Scales
Each Mediation appointment will usually last 90 minutes. The full process to mediate will normally take between 2 to 5 joint sessions, depending on the complexity of the issues.
Legal Aid
If you want us to assess whether you are eligible for a free meeting and free mediation funded by the Legal Aid Agency you will need to send to us the documentation on the list shown below:
- Your last month’s wage slip (if paid weekly your last 4 weekly wage slips).
- The current market value of any property/properties in which you have a financial interest.
- Your last month’s bank statements in respect of all bank accounts which you hold or have an interest in.
- Evidence of all other income which you have, i.e. maintenance/Universal Credit/Tax Credits/Income Support/child benefit/dividends/benefits in kind.
- Evidence of your housing costs, i.e. your rent or mortgage payment and evidence of the amount paid in the last month.
- In the event that you are in receipt of Income Support/income-based Job Seekers Allowance/income related Employment Support Allowance or Guaranteed Credit, please provide us with your last full month’s bank statement together with the original letter granting you this award.
- Evidence of the maintenance payments which you actually make, i.e. children or former spouses.
- Evidence of any child care costs which you pay because of work or self-employment.
- If you are living with a new partner then you need to send to us all their financial information (as set out above).
It is important that you note that unless we have the complete information about yours/your partner’s current income/benefits/capital/savings it will not be possible for us to complete an accurate Legal Aid assessment which will inevitably lead to a delay for you in starting mediation or applying to the Court should mediation be unsuitable for you.
If you do not know whether you qualify for Legal Aid and would like to know more you can always contact the Legal Aid Agency on 0845 3454345 or visit their website at
In all cases we would provide you with a Summary of Work in which we will set out clearly the work that we will undertake for you and the cost.
Key Milestones
During the mediation process there are key milestones, which may vary according to individual circumstances.
Typically, it will involve the following:
- MIAM – Mediation Information Assessment Meeting – the initial assessment meeting to identify whether mediation is appropriate
- Should all parties agreed to mediation, an estimated 2-5 mediation sessions will take place (final number of sessions and length is dependent on individual circumstances)
- If required and requested to do so, the Mediator will prepare a written record of the mediation sessions where relevant e.g. MOU, OFS, Child Summary (see above)
- If relevant, the Mediator will recommend clients obtain their own independent legal advice upon the terms of the understandings reached at mediation with a view to making them legal binding.