We are thrilled to announce our shortlisting for the Family Law Firm of the Year: North in the Lexis Nexis Family Law Awards 2020.
Recognising the important work of family lawyers, and celebrating their many successes and outstanding achievements, these awards are designed to reward excellence – this frequently means going above and beyond the call of duty, demonstrating with clear supportive evidence when and where the practice and its solicitors have done this.
Susan Howarth, Founder & Director at SH&Co., said:
“We are elated and so proud! To have the work we do, the approach we take, the service we deliver and the standards we achieve recognised as comparable to that of reputable and significantly bigger, multi-office city centre law firms is a real achievement.
Since the practice was founded, it has been driven by an ethos and a belief that everyone has the right to access justice, irrespective of means or social class. Simultaneously, we have strived to deliver the highest quality of client care and practice management to all clients.
Being shortlisted for this award proves that regardless of practice size, structure, location or profitability, with the right ethos, determination and commitment, it’s possible to both achieve and maintain your goals.
In these unprecedented and difficult times, receiving the news of our shortlisting was like a silver lining to the Covid cloud for us!”